By Zack Linly
At this point, the protracted political battle between incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock and unintentional mumble rapper Herschel Walker reminds me of Martin Luther King Jr. telling his audience, “I may not get there with you,” in reference to the “Promised Land.”
I’m just tired, you folks.
But everything will end on December 6. We will finally be free of the constant campaign advertisements and text messages. On Tuesday, we’ll have either a competent, qualified, and respectful Black man representing Georgia in the United States Senate—or Hershel Walker.
Meanwhile, CNN has released some interesting poll results that show Raphael Warnock still has a slim lead over Walker among those who are likely to vote in a runoff election on Tuesday.
From CNN:
The survey shows that Walker faces widespread questions about his honesty and suffers from a negative favorability rating, while nearly half of those who back him say their vote is more about opposition to Warnock than support for Walker. Voters’ modestly more positive views of Warnock and a firmly committed base of supporters appear to boost the incumbent in the new poll.
Overall, 52% of likely voters say they plan to support Warnock in Tuesday’s runoff and 48% pick Walker. Partisans on both sides are deeply entrenched, with nearly all Democrats (99%) behind Warnock and 95% of Republicans backing Walker. Independents break in Warnock’s favor, 61% to 36%, but make up a relatively small slice of likely voters, 17%, compared with 24% in a CNN exit poll of voters in the first round of this contest last month. (Warnock finished narrowly ahead of Walker in November but without the majority of the vote needed to avoid a runoff.)
To summarise: White Republicans don’t care about their little Black MAGA avatar; they just want their Black friend to help white nationalism defeat the Black democrat. And Herschel “suffers from a negative favorability rating” because he lies like it’s his only language other than Mushmouth-ese.
Also, someone should probably inform Sen. Lindsey Graham that the Black community has spoken, and we overwhelmingly support Warnock over his Ruckus-i-fied opponent. As a result, Graham’s prediction that Walker’s election will abracadabra young Black people and children of colour into the Republican party is looking more and more like a white supremacist wet dream that will never come true.
More on the poll from CNN:
White voters continue to support Walker broadly ahead of Tuesday’s election, with 69% supporting him and 30% supporting Warnock in a new poll, while Black voters are nearly unanimous in their support for the Democrat (96% Warnock to 3% Walker). According to CNN’s exit poll, those racial divides are similar to the racial divide in the 2021 runoff in which Warnock initially won his seat, when 93% of Black voters supported him while 71% of White voters supported his Republican opponent, then-Sen. Kelly Loeffler.
There is also a significant age gap in the upcoming election, with voters under 35 strongly supporting Warnock (74% to 25%), while those 65 and older strongly support Walker (63% to 37%). Younger White voters are far more divided than older White voters (52% Walker to 48% Warnock among White voters under 45, compared to 75% of White voters 45 and older). Younger and older Black voters support Warnock about equally.
White voters without college degrees strongly support Walker (83%), while White voters with four-year degrees are evenly divided (51% Walker to 47% Warnock). White women with degrees favour Warnock (53% to 44% for Walker), while White men with degrees favour Walker (58% to 42% Warnock).
Walker’s target demographic appears to be old white people who did not attend college. (I know, it’s shocking.)
But, once again, the most intriguing aspect of this poll is that the vast majority of Raphael Warnock voters (83 percent) say they support their candidate, whereas nearly half of Walker voters (47 percent) say they only vote for Walker because they oppose Warnock.
Regardless of the fact that these poll numbers paint Walker as an afterthought candidate for senior citizen white people who despise Warnock as much as they despise higher education, this has been a close race, and we don’t know who will sit in that Senate seat when all is said and done.
This is not the time to relax, good people of Georgia. Vote now.