By John Johnson II
Republicans choose to gamble by increasing America’s budget deficit. It’s as though they can’t wait to destroy the economy. In case you’ve forgotten, Russian roulette is a high-stakes gambling game. It may be described as a game of life and death.
A person plays Russian Roulette by loading one bullet into a six-chamber revolver, rotating the cylinder once, placing the barrel to your head, and squeezing the trigger. If there is merely a click, you are alive; if there is a bang, you are dead. McCarthy, the Republican House Speaker, is aiming the gun at our economy, which includes all of us.
“Why in the hell would Republicans choose not to raise the debt ceiling knowing the disastrous consequences?” one must wonder. Before delving into this subject, consider the ultimate results that economists predicted would occur.
Millions of people would lose their jobs, companies would stop, government employees would not be paid, personal savings would be depleted, and the dollar’s value would collapse. Yes, human suffering would bring unspeakable misery to families and their children. Poor Black folks and immigrants may suffer much more.
Why, yet again, Russian Roulette? Republicans are employing a tactic inspired by a phrase spoken by former President L.B. Johnson over sixty years ago. Johnson famously stated, “If you make the lowest white man think he’s better than the best Black man, you can get him to do whatever you want.”
Pity white supremacists who are so blinded by hatred that they are oblivious Republicans are driving them into an abyss. This is their replacement for poor governance.
In other words, Republicans’ white supremacist base will line up to play Russian Roulette with the deficit, thinking that the outcome would be misery and even death for many Black people and immigrants. They also believe that the floods of immigration will stop.
Russian Roulette is one of hundreds of Republican ideas to prevent America’s increasing demographic shift away from a dominant white privilege culture and towards a society of privileges for all its people: black, brown, red, yellow, straight, homosexual, transgender, and yes, convicts.
Democrats must find new ways to dismantle the idiotic attitude bred by Republicans and their white supremacist supporters. Hatred and twisted expectations of white advantages feed this attitude. Kevin McCarthy, the recently elected Speaker of the Republican House of Representatives, has plainly proved his unfitness to lead by supporting Trump’s attempted coup of the government.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the phrase “moronic,” Merriam-Webster Thesaurus defines it as “showing a lack of good sense; stupid or idiotic.” A self-deluded jackass of a character is an even more objective description.
Pause for a moment if reading these lines has made you feel overwhelmed, or if this knowledge has somehow awoken you to the terrible and dangerous game of Russian Roulette. Republicans intend to utilize this technique to defer lifting the debt ceiling.
Allow what they’re proposing to settle into your mind gradually, even if it’s unpleasant. Do you agree with their Russian Roulette strategy? Shame on Trump and Republican Party officials who misled you that he would not lose the 2020 Presidential Election. However, if they convince you that not raising the debt ceiling is a wise tactic, shame on you.
America’s voters must speak out against Republicans’ proposal to play Russian roulette with the debt ceiling. However, if Republicans follow this policy, they will be no less wicked than Vladimir Putin, no less deadly as Bryan Kohberger, the suspected murderer of four Idaho college students, and no more suited to serve in Congress than George Santos.
If Russian Roulette is played, it should only be among Republicans. They are the providers of everything that is now wrong with American politics.