Ross Wilburn, the chair of the Iowa Democratic Party, declared on Saturday that he will not compete for reelection.
“After much reflection, I’ve determined that I will not be pursuing another term as Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party. My devotion to the people of Iowa will continue, but it is time to hand over the baton.” “As the party’s leader, I worked to mitigate external threats, listened to those who felt left behind, and managed expectations about what we could accomplish with the resources at our disposal.”
“No one knows what the future holds. But I am confident that whoever takes over the role next will lead our party with grace through the difficulties ahead, as we all work to expand our party and elect Democrats who will battle for the ideals we know a solid majority of Iowans support.”
The battle against the most extreme legislation that could fundamentally alter our state and hurt Iowans will continue at the state assembly next month, where I will join my peers on the front lines.
“No matter what, I will always place individuals before politics. We have a lot of work to do if we want Iowa to be a location where people want to reside, work, and raise a family, and I’m in it for the long haul.”
“It has been a privilege of a lifetime to serve as the first African American Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party. While I am leaving this post, I will continue to help our party in any way I can as we battle for a better future,” Wilburn, a State Representative, said in a press release on Saturday. #iowa #ialegis #blackiowanews