By Sheletta Brundidge
Conserve money, energy, and the environment!
It’s that time of year when everyone indulges in their favourite holiday foods and plans special meals or parties with family and friends. During this holiday season, Ramsey County reminds residents to collect food scraps. Unused food in landfills is a major source of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.
“By keeping food waste out of the trash and taking it to a collection site, we can transform it into a resource. “It will be composted and used in gardening and landscaping,” said Rae Eden Frank, Interim Environmental Health Division Manager for Ramsey County. When it comes to fruits, vegetables, and other perishables, Frank stated that buying only what you need is the best way to reduce food waste. Throwing out overripe, rotting, or unused produce not only wastes the family grocery budget, but it also contributes to food waste.
However, regardless of how well you manage your fridge and pantry, every home generates food scraps: fruit and vegetable peels and pits, eggshells, and coffee grounds. Ramsey County provides free compostable bags to residents for the collection of these items. The bags are available at the following 24-hour drop-off locations, which also accept food scraps.
“When things are thrown away, they do not vanish. “We have to reconsider what we use and what it becomes,” Frank said. “When food waste is composted, it creates healthier soil for growing more food for everyone.” Frank suggested that people line a countertop can with a compostable bag to make it easier to collect food scraps while cooking. “Make it a family affair.
“As parents, we can teach our children about garbage and compost bins. “If they’re cracking eggs with you, let them join in,” Frank advised. “At home, they’re developing good habits.”
Remember that you can always put the bag of food waste and scraps in the freezer until it’s convenient to drop it off at a collection site during this busy time of year. Ramsey County will pilot curbside food scrap collection in 2023, making it even easier to collect food scraps.
For a list of drop-off locations open 24 hours a day, visit bit.ly/RamseyFoodScrapLocations. More information can be found at ramseyrecycles.com