By Lee Williams
After 15 years of being homeless, Duane moved into his own apartment this fall. He described himself as “living someone else’s dream,” and he takes pride in decorating and settling into his new home. That’s another victory for my friends at Harbor Interfaith, a South Bay rehousing provider. Beacon Landing, a new supportive housing development in San Pedro, is currently under construction and will house 89 people next year—89 more success stories like Duane.
I’m a Realtor, a former Republican, and a past Chair of the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce. I see a lot of our homeless problem in terms of money. The cost to our local businesses, the cost to our quality of life, the cost to police and fire budgets, and, most importantly, the cost of the souls we allow to perish on our streets every day. The path to homelessness is frequently a one-two punch. Two tragedies in a row put people in perilous situations. I believe that with a little assistance, people can recover from severe loss.
LaVerne, for example, whom I met in 2019 at the Bridge Home in Watts, became homeless after leaving an abusive marriage and losing a family member. She was a working nurse living in her car, concerned about her safety, unable to grieve, and constantly on the lookout for a bathroom and a shower. Her difficulties became too much for her, and she lost her job. She found the help she needed after 9 years on the streets to get her own apartment, stabilize, and reclaim her nursing certification. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she realized what a difference housing with services had made in her life. She is now assisting others in doing the same.
People do not want to visit communities where there is despair. The number one complaint from visitors to California is how many people live in abject poverty. The homeless people you see are your neighbours, friends, and family members. People tend to stick close to their roots. In fact, 80% of those experiencing homelessness have been here for more than five years.
Keeping our neighbours from falling through the cracks is the right thing to do, and it all starts with housing. When people are housed with supportive services, they have a foundation on which to rebuild their lives and heal, and more than 90% stay housed.
Our region’s lack of affordable housing makes it more difficult for our system to keep people off the streets. Tens of thousands of Angelenos are just a paycheck, a medical emergency, or a family emergency away from homelessness.
Two-thirds of Angelenos are renters, and the city is experiencing its tightest housing market in decades. Renters spend 48% of their income on rent on average, the highest rate in the country. To afford the average rent for a two-bedroom in LA, renters must earn more than $45 per hour, which is three times the city’s $15 minimum wage.
Because of affordable housing, small businesses, community non-profits, schools, child-care facilities, and restaurants can attract local employees. Affordable housing is critical for traffic reduction. Workers who live closer to their jobs and have shorter commutes can spend more time with their families, are more connected to their community, and have a higher quality of life.
Rather than kicking the can down the road or blaming another town for our problems, the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce has actively advocated for local solutions to the housing and homelessness crisis.
We have raised over $800,000 for the Harbor Neighborhood Relief Fund since the COVID Summer of 2020. The Fund bridges the gap between community needs and services. Because funds are nimble, we can address real-life challenges in meaningful ways quickly. When people are hit with a one-two punch, the fund assists in keeping them housed.
The Fund assisted a mechanic who was laid off as Covid emptied our highways. He then assisted someone in keeping her commuter car running so she wouldn’t lose her job. Another returned the $300 she was given because she had found a new job and wanted the money to benefit someone else in need. We also paid restaurants to feed first responders, which kept them open.
While stopgap measures like the Fund are important, more affordable housing is needed everywhere, not just in a few neighbourhoods. To meet the current demand in Los Angeles County, we need nearly 500,000 affordable homes. When these housing developments are combined with supportive services, we are taking people off the streets, putting them to work, reducing poverty, addiction, and gang violence, and giving people a second chance to live meaningful lives that can benefit others.
Reports that criticize the cost and timeline of affordable and supportive housing are not entirely incorrect. Despite these obstacles, Proposition HHH is assisting us in making steady progress. In Los Angeles, there are 3420 new affordable homes with residents, 5,446 under construction, and 4,113 more in design. That’s a total of 12,979 houses! Let us build on our achievements. Let’s make it easier to build more Beacon Landings throughout the county. It’s our best option. Every changed life and strengthened community is worthwhile. I hope that one day everyone will have access to affordable housing. I want to make the promise of generational wealth available to more people, particularly people of color.
Neighborhood by neighbourhood, business and community involvement are tearing down the barriers that have been built in Los Angeles County. I’m proud to have played a role in making San Pedro and the South Bay more inclusive, and I’m encouraged to see more communities than ever saying yes to new affordable and supportive housing.
Lee Williams leads The Williams Group real estate team at LAmove and serves on community boards focusing on child education, housing, and local business support.