Home News “Our Struggle for Justice: A Day of Action” is held for the first time at the National Portrait Gallery

“Our Struggle for Justice: A Day of Action” is held for the first time at the National Portrait Gallery

“Our Struggle for Justice: A Day of Action” is held for the first time at the National Portrait Gallery
Struggle for Justice NaKeesha Ceran / The associate director of Teaching for Change, a nonprofit devoted to assisting teachers and pupils in kindergarten through grade 12, is NaKeesha Ceran. Photo by Courtesy

By Reginald Williams,
Special to the AFRO

A group of social justice organizations recently collaborated to stage the first “Our Struggle for Justice: A Day of Action” at the National Portrait Gallery.

Our Struggle for Justice, which explores activism and social justice through biography, is a digital partnership between the National Portrait Gallery and Capital One, according to the National Portrait Gallery.

Jason D. Fabrikant, interim director of American University’s School of Public Affairs (SPA) Leadership Program and senior professional lecturer with SPA Leadership students, facilitated the three-hour event, which included a “Dress for Success” session, a women’s empowerment round table, and a criminal justice reform letter-writing workshop. The day also included tours of the Struggle for Justice Gallery and youth action activities.

In February 2021, Our Struggle for Justice launched as a social media campaign project, encouraging activism through Instagram and Twitter. Members of the group utilized social media tools to communicate their tales and elevate their voices.

“Through portraiture, we wanted to encourage activism and tell the story of activism,” said Irina Rubenstein, education specialist at the Portrait Gallery. “We have a show called The Struggle for Justice, and it features civil rights leaders—different leaders of justice and social justice causes.” We wanted to inspire action in young people, but also in everyone.”

Struggle for Justice / A Day of Action" was recently organized at the National Portrait Gallery on January 22. Photo by Courtesy
Struggle for Justice / A Day of Action” was recently organized at the National Portrait Gallery on January 22. Photo by Courtesy

The Capital One Day of Action was co-sponsored by nine groups, including Teaching for Change, a pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade educational non-profit located in the District. D.C. Area Educators for Social Justice is one of their programs that supports and gives resources to educators who teach outside of the typical textbook.

According to NaKeesha Ceran, assistant director for Teaching for Change, “here in the D.C. area, we facilitate working groups in early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school groups, bringing educators from D.C., Maryland, and Virginia together to connect on curriculum.” People who will stand with educators who won’t back down from sharing the truth are needed.

Art had a significant impact in the whole event.

“Art is a form of activism.” Portraiture has a lot of power. And knowledge is power,” Rubenstein added. The HEALACIST HipHopMomma Princess Best emceed the event, which included art pop-ups with local artists and music by DJ Adrian Loving.

The author of “A Marginalized Voice: Devalued, Dismissed, Disenfranchised, and Demonized,” Reginald Williams, writes about Black males and Holistic Health issues. For additional information, please contact bookreggie@reginaldwilliams.org or visit amvonlinestore.com


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